Committee Members Last Hurrah

It is with sadness that we see the departure of one of the festival’s founding members, Trevor Prideaux, who stepped down as one of the festival organisers after 21 years of service. Trev is joined by Amanda Carver who has officially worked with us for 9 years (unofficially, many more) and Mike Bewick for 8 years, who also hang up their organiser shirts and received some farewell gifts, including a key to the festival at this year’s presentation night.


It is fitting then, that they depart after hosting our best festival to date, raising £20k for local worthy causes this year and a whopping £226,320 over the history of the festival. A huge achievement.


We thank them all for their vision, ideas, hard work and commitment to the festival during their time at the festival. We would not manged to do the amazing things we have done, without them. They will all be greatly missed and it will be delight to serve them on the other side of the bar, at future festivals.